Map of Virtue

an experimental, heightened staged reading of Erin Courtney’s brilliant play, featuring original, live musical accompaniment by Emilie Hanson. special thanks to the owners of Chi Yoga Shack, Rich and Nora Gonshak, who gifted their beautiful space + the Lyric Opera of Chicago for their generous properties rental.

director’s reflection

this process began the way I always approach my work: gathering actors around a long table, eating a meal I made for them and playing with the text. after a brief rehearsal period, the public performance took shape quite unlike anything I’ve ever seen before– somewhere between a staged reading, a full staging, and a concert. it was such a valuable experience to flex the muscle of imaginative flexibility, not merely accepting limitations (using scripts, tiny rehearsal period, etc.) but actively choosing them and allowing ourselves to expand to the very edges of what was possible. 

Map of Virtue is a strange, surreal play about two strangers who keep running into each other and it maps the intersections of their lives with symbolism, a mystical bird, musicality, an extreme detour into the absurd + disturbed, and poignant vignettes of their relationships. it explores both the power and limitations of perception, the way it shapes our reality, and the struggle to map the interconnected, beautiful, and often senseless trajectories of our lives. 

despite a nonexistent budget, this work felt deeply abundant. we were able to eliminate the need for reading stage directions by infusing the reading with dynamic blocking + physicality and creating a legible visual aesthetic with costumes and props. Chicago-based musician and artist Emilie Hanson elevated the text with live, original musical accompaniment. as the audience entered the space, they were offered a nibble of food extracted from the play and led to blankets + cushions. the actors' willingness to play with open questions and remain in the process of discovery, even with our community present, made the evening feel like a synthesis of so many of my ambitions and dreams.

“—and things come back up and pull us back and something else pushes us forward. We make some kind of association with something and this association becomes a faith—I don’t know—just sometimes our faith in something—can lead us to the next one until finally, it’s the middle of the night out in the woods and you are on a mattress on the floor—trapped.”

Written by…………... Erin Courtney

Directed + Produced by…………... Faith Hart

Original Music by…………... Emilie Hanson

Starring…………... Abigail Hendricks, Sam Linda, Nathan Reilly, Nicolás Cadby, Tyra Grove, Matthew Martinez Hannon

Hosted by…………... Chi Yoga Shack

Production Images by…………... Austin Daly